
'use strict';

 * Color class.
 * @extends {null}
 * @class
class Colors extends null {}

 * The color of Aiko
 * @memberof Colors
 * @returns {String}
Colors.AIKO = '#3496eb';

 * The blue color of DisGroup Development
 * @memberof Colors
 * @returns {String}
Colors.BLUE = '#3496eb';

 * The green color of DisGroup Development
 * @memberof Colors
 * @returns {String}
Colors.GREEN = '#51f34d';

 * The grey color of DisGroup Development
 * @memberof Colors
 * @returns {String}
Colors.GREY = '#adadad';

 * The orange color of DisGroup Development
 * @memberof Colors
 * @returns {String}
Colors.ORANGE = '#fcb22d';

 * The purple color of DisGroup Development
 * @memberof Colors
 * @returns {String}
Colors.PURPLE = '#c686f0';

 * The red color of DisGroup Development
 * @memberof Colors
 * @returns {String}
Colors.RED = '#fe6b61';

 * The turquoise color of DisGroup Development
 * @memberof Colors
 * @returns {String}
Colors.TURQUOISE = '#30d09b';

 * The white color of DisGroup Development
 * @memberof Colors
 * @returns {String}
Colors.WHITE = '#FFFFFF';

 * The yellow color of DisGroup Development
 * @memberof Colors
 * @returns {String}
Colors.YELLOW = '#ffde22';

module.exports = Colors;