
'use strict';

const readDirectory = require('node:util').promisify(require('node:fs').readdir);
const statDirectory = require('node:util').promisify(require('node:fs').stat);
const i18next = require('i18next');
const i18nextBackend = require('i18next-fs-backend');

const { DisGroupDevError, Messages } = require('../errors/DisGroupDevError');

 * @typedef {Object} TranslationManagerOptions
 * @property {String} defaultLanguage The default language to use if no language is specified.
 * @property {i18next.InitOptions} i18nextOptions Additional options to pass to i18next.
 * @property {String} locationTranslations The location of the translations

 * The translation manager.
 * @class
class TranslationManager {
         * The constructor of the TranslationManager class.
         * @param {TranslationManagerOptions} options The options of the translation manager
        constructor(options) {
                if (!options.locationTranslations || typeof options.locationTranslations !== 'string') throw new DisGroupDevError(Messages.INVALID_LOCATION);

                 * The namespaces of the translations.
                 * @type {?Array<String>}
                 * @private
                this._namespaces = null;

                 * The map with all translations.
                 * @type {?Map<String, Function>}
                 * @private
                this._translations = null;

                 * The options of the TranslationManager.
                 * @type {TranslationManagerOptions}
                 * @public
                this.options = options;

                 * If the translations are loaded.
                 * @type {Boolean}
                 * @public
                this.isReady = false;


         * Inits the TranslationManager.
         * @returns {Promise<void>}
         * @private
        async _init() {
                const { namespaces, totalLanguages } = await this._loadAll();

                i18next.use(new i18nextBackend());

                await i18next.init({

                        backend: {

                                jsonIndent: 4,
                                loadPath: require('node:path').resolve(this.options.locationTranslations, './{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'),

                        fallbackLng: this.options.defaultLanguage ?? 'en-US',
                        initImmediate: false,
                        interpolation: { escapeValue: false },
                        load: 'all',
                        ns: namespaces,
                        preload: totalLanguages,


                this._namespaces = namespaces;
                this._translations = new Map( => [language, i18next.getFixedT(language)]));
                this.isReady = true;

         * @typedef {Object} LoadAllOptions
         * @property {String} [folderName] The name of the folder
         * @property {String} [translationDir] The location of the translations
         * @property {Array} [namespaces] The namespaces

         * Loads all translations
         * @param {LoadAllOptions} options The options for loading all translations
         * @returns {Promise<Object<Array<Set>, Array>>}
         * @private
        async _loadAll(options = { folderName: '', namespaces: [], translationDir: this.options.locationTranslations }) {
                const translationDirectory = await readDirectory(options.translationDir);

                let totalLanguages = [];

                for (const translationFile of translationDirectory) {
                        const translationStat = await statDirectory(require('node:path').resolve(options.translationDir, translationFile));

                        if (translationStat.isDirectory()) {
                                const isLanguage = translationFile.includes('-');

                                if (isLanguage) totalLanguages.push(translationFile);

                                const translationFolder = await this._loadAll({

                                        folderName: isLanguage ? '' : `${translationFile}/`,
                                        namespaces: options.namespaces,
                                        translationDir: require('node:path').join(options.translationDir, translationFile),


                                options.namespaces = translationFolder.namespaces;
                        } else { options.namespaces.push(`${options.folderName}${translationFile.substring(0, translationFile.length - 5)}`); }

                return { namespaces: [ Set(options.namespaces)], totalLanguages };

         * Deletes a translation
         * @param {String} name The name of the translation
         * @returns {Map<String, Function>|null}
         * @public
        delete(name) {
                if (typeof name !== 'string') throw new DisGroupDevError(Messages.NOT_A_STRING(name));

                if (!this._translations.has(name)) return null;


                return this._translations;

         * Gets a translation
         * @param {String} name The name of the translation
         * @returns {Function|null}
         * @public
        get(name) {
                if (typeof name !== 'string') throw new DisGroupDevError(Messages.NOT_A_STRING(name));

                return this._translations.get(name) ?? null;

         * Checks if a translation exists
         * @param {String} name The name of the translation
         * @returns {Boolean}
         * @public
        has(name) {
                if (typeof name !== 'string') throw new DisGroupDevError(Messages.NOT_A_STRING(name));

                return this._translations.has(name);

         * Lists all translations
         * @returns {Function[]|null}
         * @public
        list() {
                return [...this._translations.values()];

         * Sets a translation
         * @param {String} name The name of the translation
         * @param {Function} value The function of the translation (<i18next>.getFixedT)
         * @returns {?Map<String, Function>}
         * @public
        set(name, value) {
                if (typeof name !== 'string') throw new DisGroupDevError(Messages.NOT_A_STRING(name));
                if (typeof value !== 'function') throw new DisGroupDevError(Messages.NOT_A_FUNCTION(value));

                return this._translations.set(name, value);

         * Gets the number of translations
         * @returns {Number}
         * @public
        size() {
                return this._translations.size;

         * @typedef {Object} TranslateOptions
         * @property {String} [language] The language

         * Translates a string
         * @param {String} key The key
         * @param {Object} [args={}] The args
         * @param {TranslateOptions} options The options
         * @returns {String|null}
         * @public
        translate(key, args = {}, options = { language: this.options.defaultLanguage }) {
                if (!this.isReady) throw new DisGroupDevError(Messages.NOT_READY);

                return this.get(options.language)(key, args) ?? null;

module.exports = TranslationManager;